10 Things we learned in Great Britain (KK/LL)
1. People in the Cotswolds are very trusting. We saw separate unattended signs selling eggs and kindling wood on the roadside with little contribution safes for you to deposit the money into when you took the merchandise.
2. The cows in the English countryside are ginormous!
3. We like the work hours in the Cotswolds. Breakfast places open at 10. Shops close at 4. Buses stop running at 6. Only the pub and hotel restaurants remain open after dark.
4. The Cotswolds have fabulous footpaths but less fab is the directional signage. (That said, If you are going to get lost, do it on a walkabout in the English countryside.)
5. Clotted cream is from heaven.
6. Driving (or being driven) on the left side of the road is terrifying.
7. After a trip to Great Britain you find yourself saying things like "rubbish bin", "car park", "a spot of tea and a proper scone."One can't help oneself really.
8. Walking home after dark on a misty night in a quaint Cotswolds village to reach the little white gate that leads to your cottage you really do begin to think you need to keep a sharp eyeout for dementors.
9. The English do like their miniatures. Tiny little pails to hold boiled eggs, teensie pepper jars with miniature spoons for scooping...whole villages duplicated in miniature...tiny cars...little cottages. They may have manors galore, but the minis are everywhere.
10. Damp and slanted = old Cotswolds cottages. But, oh so quaint!