Say hello to my little friend. - (LL)
Wow! What a crazy week leading into this trip. Hurricane Harvey definitely impacted pre-trip plans. My daughter that was to have been safely ensconced at school in Houston is instead still at home. The work event that was going to be perfect timing to tie things off with a bow before departing was instead canceled due to the dangerous weather conditions. I leave feeling like there is much undone rather than with a nice feeling of completion.
Thus begins my journey of unwinding. I know an international trip of this length with planes, trains and automobiles will have its challenges. Hopefully not to the Steve Martin and John Candy magnitude, but still…rolling with the punches will be crucial. Everyone knows the greatest stories come from things unplanned, so I will be doing my best to ‘que sera, sera’ along the way. That will represent personal growth for this uber-planner and will probably require wine.
Another confession: I am a classic over-packer. I pack multiple suitcases for a weekend visit to family an hour away. I am the worst ‘what if’er.’ One of the biggest challenges of this trip is that we are only taking carry-on baggage. I have purses as big as this teeny-tiny piece of luggage. My second ‘personal bag’ is a backpack, and full disclosure: it may be bigger than my micro-luggage. Currently thinking of ways to make it as inconspicuous as possible on my back as I glide onto the plane with my 8 lb. 9 oz. baby luggage. This suitcase is so small and cute I am naming it Stuart Little.
It is wild to think that we are about to do this thing!! Even if only a few people read our blog, I think it will still be a great way for us to document the trip so I am excited about it. Hasta la vista!!
You said, remember that life is not meant to be wasted. We can always be chasing the sun. So fill up your lungs and just run but always be chasing the sun!
Sara Bareilles, Chasing The Sun