Brushstrokes - LL


To see the Master painter’s brushstrokes across a world-wide canvas is incredibly humbling.

There is beauty everywhere. It is easy to miss during life’s daily rush, but the irony of travel is that it allows you to be still...and really see.

Northern lights dancing in the sky; phosphorescent creatures sprinkling glitter in the sea;

An endless sunset pallet ranging from pastel blues and pinks to fiery reds and oranges;

Waterfalls raining down on green rocks, black sands, forest grottos, and majestic fjords;

A changing cast of mischievous monkeys, brightly colored puffins, grazing cows, water buffalo...and massive elephants;

Snow covered arctic mountaintops and tropical white sand beaches; the greenest green mountainside and water that’s brilliant blue yet clear as glass;

Oh the vast spectrum of colors of the various fruits, vegetables and spices; and the flowers...! He really had fun with the flowers.

People in every shade, adding variety to the rich tapestry of life with their differences, while unifying the composition with their shared humanity.

Children smiling and waving no matter their circumstance.

Women weaving saffron leis in the marketplace, riding colorful bicycles along canals, wearing silk kimonos of intricate design.

Men in woolen kilts playing mournful bagpipes, in dark uniformed rows of suits pouring onto bullet trains, wearing warm furry hats...or lederhosen.

All are fascinating additions to the masterpiece. Every brushstroke according to plan, contributing texture, richness, and variety.

What a blessing to behold.


When I in awesome wonder

Consider all the worlds

Thy hands have made

I see the stars

I hear the rolling thunder

Thy power throughout

The universe displayed.

“How Great Thou Art” - Stuart Hine

Kristi Katz