When is enough, enough? —KK

 “Say what you think. Love who you love. Cause you just get so many trips ‘round The Sun. Yea. You only, only live once.” —Kacey Musgraves, Follow Your Arrow

 When is enough, enough?

As far as I know we only get one chance at life.  As you reach a certain age that point should become clearer and clearer. One would hope it would drive you to cherish every minute of every day. Yet, that can get murky when your life is not in balance.

Taking a trip of this magnitude is an opportunity to clarify a few things in ones’ life.

That has certainly been the case for me.  I’ll call this a purification trip around the world as I definitely feel I’ve cleansed in a few areas. My stress level was not acceptable when I began this trip. That has changed and I intend to keep it that way.

I’ve lived with a tiny carry-on suitcase and a backpack for three months and while I’m quite ready to have different clothes to wear and not have that ‘once cool to me’ gray backpack hanging around, I am even more certain (and I thought I was before but, Whoa!) that the material abundance in my life is not that important. Nepal and Cambodia brought that home for me. There is nothing wrong with having a comfortable life but when is enough, enough?

I’m going to be honest. I probably have more than 100 nice garments and about 40 pairs of shoes in my closet. I probably wear five pairs of those shoes regularly. I did a large purge earlier this year and was both impressed and depressed at how much I had to get rid of and yet I could double that now and still have plenty left to be comfortable.

I’m not ready to sell everything and live in a hut but if I ever needed or wanted to, I know for me, it could be enough.

A wise person once said to me, “ who will hold your hand when you’re old? That’s who you give your highest and best today.”

That leads me to the next point.

My heart was not open as widely as it normally is because I was, you know, stressed. OUT.

It certainly is back to full now and wide open and that feels good:)

The man I have always loved is back in my life and I’m finally ready to share that news. And yes, #lovewins. True love really does win.

So by the new year, I’ll be back home; back to a routine and back to center.

And for just a bit longer I’m still wandering with purpose and Chasing The Sun. —KK






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