All's right with the world. (LL)
Passing through the Norwegian fjords, incredibly created by glacial erosion, is truly a magical journey. It is almost indescribable, but I'll try to recount the journey.
You board your boat in the picturesque mountain town of Flam...the end of the line for the famous Flam Railway ("the world's most beautiful train ride.")
As you glide through the rugged fjords your mouth is often agape in awe of the majestic mountain cliffs and the fertile green valleys with their colorful villages. Waterfalls race from mountaintops to the water below and the fjords go on and on and on and on...North, South, East, West... farther than the eye can see. Pictures and videos can't do it justice. It is just too vast.
The precious little houses, farms, steepled churches and tiny buildings dotting the lush green hillsides and shorelines are like little toys from a beautiful play set from days gone by. At various times the sun shines brightly on the valleys, but mostly the cloud cover creates a mysterious feel and the fog drifting down the mountains to settle below adds to the otherworldliness of the views.
As you travel through the middle of the wide expanse of clear blue water that connects it all, you feel...Peace. There are people from all over the world with you and you are all joined together in absolute amazement. There are long stretches of complete silence. You can feel tears welling up at times and you sense you aren't the only one.
Out on the ship's deck, the cold wind whips the tattered Norwegian flag and hair and clothes, but it actually isn't very cold by Scandinavian standards today and the rain stays away the majority of your journey - an enormous blessing at this time of year.
Inside the warm cabin, the hum of the engine lulls you to close your eyes, but your gaze longs to continue to stare lazily out the window as you glide by seemingly endless gorgeous scenery on this five hour cruise. The eyelids finally win, and you are rocked to sleep by the gentle waves as it begins to softly rain outside. Happy.
Your eyes dreamily open and close to changing views until finally your brain commands you fully awaken because the hundreds of pictures you've taken cannot possibly suffice. You *must* go back on deck to take more.
The various sections of the fjord are so different topographically - from towering trees and rocks to small islands covered in brush and moss. Each section with its own personality. Some areas remind one of Alaska, other parts appear Polynesian, and nestled here and there are little fishing villages and tiny towns. It is no wonder at all that this is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It blesses all who travel through, unified in shared appreciation of God's amazing creation.
"When you feel life coming down on you,
Like a heavy weight
When you feel this crazy society,
Adding to the strain
Take a stroll to the nearest waters
And remember your place
Many moons have risen and fallen long, long before you came."
⁃Xavier Rudd, "Follow the Sun"