Fear of Wasted Time (KK)
“Take a picture but I’d miss the moment…You ask why I do it that way. It’s just the fear of wasted time.” - Fear of Wasted Time, (Courtyard Hounds)
It’s interesting being on this trip. There are so many stunning things to see. I am trying to find that sweet spot between just enjoying every moment with all my senses and also capturing a few of the moments for myself to remember (my memory isn’t what it used to be, but please don’t tell my kids) and to share.
White ribbons absolutely cover the Flam valley and the area along the Fjords in Norway. The waterfalls are everywhere! I have seen a lot of waterfalls over the years but not this many in one area. They are beautiful, a source of life and they are just mesmerizing, probably because for some of us they are not something we see everyday. The fact that the waterfalls here are all over the place might cause some to even take them for granted.
Days can become like that too. They are beautiful and sometimes it is easy to forget that and take them for granted. We should be in awe of each one that we get. Can I get an amen? (Maren Morris) But, the reality is that hours slip by and I forget that they are a gift sometimes. OK, maybe a lot of the time.
For me, time in nature is very healing, peaceful and restores my calm. So far on the Chasing the Sun world tour, I have been to Iceland and Norway. I have hiked to many waterfalls and up mountain trails, walked on black sand beaches, traversed lava fields and swam, ok mostly sat, in a lagoon filled with minerals. And I swear if I had more guts (and a wetsuit) I would have gone swimming in that glacial water today. Cold water is great for the skin and hair. If only I cared a little more right now about those things but I do not. The frequent rain has even been a welcome part of the trip. Mother Nature is definitely circling me with a water theme and I have never given it much thought but I am a Pisces.
Speaking of Mother Nature—she is such a tease sometimes. We have tried to see the Northern Lights for over a week now and they have eluded us. The cloud cover has been too much. We have another chance over the next few days in our next country. Hopefully, we will get to experience the lights on this trip. Either way the quest to find them is a ton of fun. Like those waterfalls, I don’t want to ever take my days here or at home for granted.
My friend Judy Waxman has a plaque that says “The reward is in the journey.” It really is. So for now, I will keep chasing the sun and appreciating the rain.
Wandering with purpose, Kristi