Party Train - KK
After a late last night in Amsterdam, I was nestled in my seat and ready to close my eyes for the ride to Paris.
The train was full. Lots of ladies seemed to be headed to Brussels for something that had them talking and laughing. They were quite rowdy for 9am and they were holding court in our carriage. I, on the other hand was contemplative and neither enjoying nor bothered by their lively conversation.
But somewhere along the way something started going down. Two men came walking through the car. One in a short sleeve burgundy t-shirt. The other in a black zip up jacket. It was hard not to notice their low black lace up boots and muscular build. They looked serious and seemed to be searching for something or someone.
I soon saw their armbands and that both doors to our carriage were blocked by what looked to be a dozen or so police. A woman then entered with a dog, clearly sniffing his way down the aisle.
All of a sudden the whole car got very quiet. The dog found something and some serious conversation took place with two individuals who looked about the ages of my kids. I'm just guessing but I think they took some souvenirs from Amsterdam that they weren't supposed to take.
They were a few seats up from us so it was all unfolding in front of me. Their suitcases were removed and handed to some other policemen.
Soon they were surrounded and escorted into the area between carriages. All the officers seemed to be on high alert.
A couple of other passengers tried to head toward the front of the carriage which was the way to the restrooms but they were turned away and sent back to their seats. I stayed put.
While I don't need that much excitement every day it was an interesting experience to be a fly on the wall on that train today. I wonder what those two apprehended kids thought their day would be like. Word of caution: don't invite drama.
The remainder of the ride I enjoyed the pastoral scene as we whizzed past it and I thought about the year. It's been quite something. From loss to laughter and lots of love it has run the gamut.
Trying to find that sweet spot between observing life and channeling it is all part of the path I think. No drama desired.
Today, I'm grateful to be chasing the sun, examining my own light and wandering the world with purpose.
"Be sure to get your ticket. Hurry don't you miss it." Party Train, The Gap Band